As the Russian invasion continues, millions in cryptocurrency donations are pouring into Ukraine. We are proud to announce the launch of Crypto For Ukraine: Powered by Merkle Science — a live dashboard tracking cryptocurrency donations to various government and non-profit organizations supporting Ukrainian efforts on the ground.
The Merkle Science data team will continue to add verified organizations and their wallet addresses to this dashboard so that we may provide the most comprehensive view of crypto fundraising efforts around the world. If there are any organizations we are missing from the dashboard, please reach out to our team.
[Latest insights: March 4, 2022] **Please note that all values are in USD**
Total Raised: $83.57 million
On March 3, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov stated on Twitter that they have canceled the crypto airdrop and will announce NFTs to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Recently, the Ukrainian government also added Dogecoin and Solana to its expanding list of accepted cryptocurrencies that can be sent as donations. Ukraine is also accepting non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as donations — Cryptopunks NFT #5364, worth $233,536, was one such example.
On the same day (March 3), potential scammers sent “Peaceful World” (WORLD) tokens to the wallets of the government’s donors, making it seem as though the tokens had come from the Ukrainian government’s official ETH wallet. Etherscan has tagged WORLD tokens as misleading and may possibly be spam or phishing.
Meanwhile, the nation’s government continues to lead in the amount raised, accounting for 52.54% of the total:
Figure 1: Total donations received by entities
The Come Back Alive Foundation has raised the second-most so far at $14.43 million. This amount does not include the $6.4 million from the auction of the Ukrainian flag NFT. During the auction, which was organized by UkraineDAO, it was announced that the proceeds will be sent to the Come Back Alive Foundation; the amount currently still sits in a wallet belonging to UkraineDAO.
According to our on-chain data, the organizations have received the most donations in ETH at $32.84 million, which accounts for nearly 40% of total contributions. This is followed by $23.80 million in BTC, $11.05 in ERC20, $6.60 million in BEP2, $6.14 million in DOT, and $1.46 million in SOL.
Figure 2: Volume share by cryptocurrency